Welcome to Join in CACRE 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

It is a great honor and pleasure for us to invite you to attend the 2024 9th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE 2024), co-organized by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME), technically sponsored by IEEE RAS, Sunchon National University, Sichuan University, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Dalian Maritime University, supported by Hong Kong Association for Advanced Scientific Research. The conference will be held at Jeju Island, South Korea from July 18-20, 2024.

The CACRE has been held for eight years since 2016, attracting scholars and students from all over the world. The CACRE 2024 conference will provide a wonderful forum for you to update your knowledge base and explore the innovations in Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering. The conference will strive to offer you plenty of networking opportunities to meet and interact with the leading scientists, engineers and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors.

Finally, we would like to express our gratefulness for your interest and support to CACRE, and we warmly welcome you to Jeju Island, South Korea.


CACRE Publication Info.

All the accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The publisher will submit articles to Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication.

 #CACRE 2024 is listed on IEEE conference list.(LINK

About CACRE 2024

July 18-20, 2024 / Jeju Island, South Korea

Peer Review Instructions

All submissions will be reviewed and each paper will be reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. Manuscript requirements:

1. Manuscripts must be written in English;
2. The manuscript should be formatted in accordance with the template;
3. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
4. Plagiarism is prohibited;
5. Innovation and scientific value is a must.

Call for Paper

CACRE 2024 is scheduled to include high-quality paper presentation sessions revealing the latest research findings, and to engage participants in interesting discussion sessions. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
CACRE 2024

Robotics Science and Engineering

Control Science and Engineering

Automation Science and Engineering

Vision Science and Engineering

Paper Template

Authors must adhere to the conference written paper format. Please choose from the templates listed as follow based on your own request:

Abstract Template

Full Paper Template (Microsoft Word)

Full Paper Template(LaTex)

Submission Methods

Authors can submit manuscripts through electronic submission system. Please click following link to submit:

Electronic Submission System

First-time users should register a account firstly, then upload your paper to the system. Previous users can log in the CMT system directly. If your paper need to be updated after you receive the submission confirmation, please send the updated paper to conference email cacre@vip.163.com directly, do not update in Electronic Submission System.

Registration Guide

The detailed registration procedure for authors and presenters can be found in the notification letter. For listeners, please contact the conference secretary by email. When you submit the registration materials, the conference secretary will contact you within 2 or 3 workdays to confirm your registration. Registration of paper must be done by one of author(s) of paper and only registered paper can be included into the conference proceedings.

Important Dates

Round I

Full paper submission deadline: Jan. 20, 2024

Notification of acceptance: Feb. 20, 2024

Registration deadline: Mar. 20 , 2024

Round II

Full paper submission deadline: Mar. 20, 2024

Notification of acceptance: Apr. 15, 2024

Registration deadline: May 15, 2024

Conference dates: Jul.18-20 , 2024

Special Sessions

Special Session I: Aviation Robots and Remote Control
Session Chair: Wuxiang Zhang, Beihang University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Yanggang Feng, Beihang University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Di Shi, Beihang University, China

Special Session II: Underwater Robot

Session Chair:  Xianping Fu, Dalian Maritime University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Xinnian Wang, Dalian Maritime University, China

Special Session III: Industrial Robot and Applications

Session Chair:  Yongzhuo Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Vice Session Chair:  Wei Dong, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Special Session IV: Bionic Robot

Session Chair:  Hongde Qin, Harbin Engineering University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Ziyu Ren, Beihang University, China

Special Session V: Rehabilitation Robots(mechanism,sensing,and control)
Session Chair:  Qiaoling Meng, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Vice Session Chair:  Hongyan Tang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Special Session VI: Robot visual perception and motion control with enhanced embodied intelligence
Session Chair:  Hui Zhang, Hunan University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Yiming Jiang, Hunan University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Hang Zhong, Hunan University, China

Special Session VII: Modeling, Design and Optimization of Robots and Mechanisms
Session Chair:  Zhufeng Shao, Tsinghua University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Zhaokun Zhang, University of Michigan, USA

Special Session VIII: Robot Theory and Innovation
Session Chair:  Bo Li, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, China
Vice Session Chair:  Laihao Yang, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, China

Special Session IX: Modeling, Control, and AI for Autonomous Vehicles
Session Chair:  Sungjin Cho, Sunchon National University, South Korea
Vice Session Chair:   Sangho Kim, Konkuk University, South Korea

Programes Overeview

July 18, 2024

Registration and Conference kits collection

July 19, 2024

Opening Remark+ Plenary Lectures +Technical Sessions

July 20, 2024

Industrial Forum +Technical Tour

Call for Participants

CACRE 2024 is now accepting oral presentation and poster presentation. If you are interested in presenting your research on the conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, please submit the abstract to us.
If you are interested in attending the conference to participate in this gathering in the field of Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering, you are welcome to join us and share your ideas!
Reviewers evaluate article submissions to CACRE, based on the requirements of the conference proceedings, predefined criteria, and quality, completeness and accuracy of the research presented. They provide feedback on the article and the research, suggest improvements and make a recommendation to the editor about whether to accept, reject or request changes to the article.
CACRE 2024 aims at attracting a great number of new energy research and applications people from both the academic and industrial communities, We believe that it is a very good chance for our sponsors to show their products and services to potential customers on this effective platform, You have the opportunity to gain visibility and credibility amongst individuals in the academic, industry, and government fields.

Conference Venue

Jeju Island, South Korea