About CACRE 2025
July 16-19, 2025 / Wuxi, ChinaPeer Review Instructions
All submissions will be reviewed and each paper will be reviewed by 2-3 independent reviewers. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. Manuscript requirements:
1. Manuscripts must be written in English;
2. The manuscript should be formatted in accordance with the template;
3. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
4. Plagiarism is prohibited;
5. Innovation and scientific value is a must.
Call for Paper
CACRE 2025 is scheduled to include high-quality paper presentation sessions revealing the latest research findings, and to engage participants in interesting discussion sessions. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
CACRE 2025
Robotics Science and Engineering
Control Science and Engineering
Automation Science and Engineering
Vision Science and Engineering
Paper Template
Authors must adhere to the conference written paper format. Please choose from the templates listed as follow based on your own request:
Submission Methods
Authors can submit manuscripts through electronic submission system. Please click following link to submit:
First-time users should register a account firstly, then upload your paper to the system. Previous users can log in the CMT system directly. If your paper need to be updated after you receive the submission confirmation, please send the updated paper to conference email cacre@vip.163.com directly, do not update in Electronic Submission System.
Registration Guide
The detailed registration procedure for authors and presenters can be found in the notification letter. For listeners, please contact the conference secretary by email. When you submit the registration materials, the conference secretary will contact you within 2 or 3 workdays to confirm your registration. Registration of paper must be done by one of author(s) of paper and only registered paper can be included into the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
Round I
Full paper submission deadline: Dec. 31, 2024
Notification of acceptance: Jan. 31, 2025
Registration deadline: Feb. 28, 2025
Round II
Full paper submission deadline: Mar. 25, 2025
Notification of acceptance: Apr. 25, 2025
Registration deadline: May 25, 2025
Conference dates: Jul.16-19, 2025